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Helmet Laws in Baton Rouge: What Motorcyclists Need to Know

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Motorcycle accidents are notoriously dangerous because bikers lack the protection of a steel frame that other motor vehicle operators enjoy. However, you can give yourself a better chance of surviving a crash by using the correct safety equipment, including wearing an adequate helmet and proper eye protection.

If you or a loved one is the victim of a motorcycle accident, you may be eligible for compensation. Reach out to our personal injury law firm today to see if you can recover damages, including medical expenses, lost income, reduced income-earning ability, emotional distress, wrongful death, and more. We offer free consultations, so call now at 225-263-6194.

Is Wearing a Helmet While Riding a Motorcycle Compulsory in Louisiana?

Louisiana law requires all motorcycle riders to use a helmet that meets safety standards set by the national commissioner. These standards include a chin strap that must be fastened while the bike is in motion, sufficient padding, and a visor. Approved helmets will typically have a “DOT” sticker on the back. However, older models may not meet these safety standards and should be replaced. If a motorcycle operator or passenger is not wearing an adequate helmet, they may be subject to a citation.

Helmets save lives as they protect riders’ skulls in case of a crash. When motorcycle accident victims collide with a larger vehicle, their bodies are subject to the majority of the impact. This can lead to severe injuries, including broken bones, paralysis, loss of limbs, internal organ damage, road rash, and traumatic brain injuries. Properly wearing a suitable helmet can help victims avoid devastating brain injuries and even death.

What Eye Protection is Required for Bikers under Louisiana Law?

Motorcycle laws in Louisiana require further protection through visors or shatter-proof goggles. Safety glasses may also be used if they are made of impact-proof materials. Many bikers opt for modern helmets with full visors to protect their faces and eyes. However, if your helmet does not come with a visor, Louisiana law dictates that you use some form of eye protection for your safety in a crash.

Are There Exceptions to Louisiana Motorcycle Helmet Laws?

Various locations in The Pelican State may make adjustments to motorcycle laws, including exceptions to helmet and eye protection regulations. For example, some municipalities allow riders to remove their helmets while participating in a parade or other event. In other cases, you may be exempt from wearing a helmet if the bike provides a roll cage or roll bar.

You should check with your location to understand the specific exceptions and ensure you have the most protection possible while riding a motorcycle. These vehicles are fun and effective methods of transportation, but the risks involved should not be ignored. Consult with your local officials to learn more about motorcycle safety laws in your area.

Should You Hire Our Personal Injury Attorneys?

Louisiana law is stringent regarding the use of safety equipment while operating and riding motorcycles. Please carefully review your local laws to better protect yourself and those riding your bike with you.

If you are a motorcycle accident victim, you may feel frustrated and confused about the next step. Many bike crash victims undergo expensive medical treatment, such as surgeries and lengthy physical therapy, to recover from the severe injuries in these accidents. Your injuries may prevent you from working, causing an even greater financial burden as the medical bills pile up. Unfortunately, an insurance payout will usually not cover your rising expenses.

With a personal injury attorney on your side, you have a powerful negotiator to help you get a fair settlement from insurers. You may also be able to collect compensation for your injuries, even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Our law firm has been helping clients like you make a full financial recovery for over 30 years. We understand Louisiana law, and we know what it takes to get the results you need.

Please make every effort to operate a motorcycle safely. If you have any questions regarding Louisiana laws or legal needs regarding a motorcycle accident, you can reach us at 225-263-6194 for a free case evaluation.

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