Walter R. Krousel III
When It’s Not Your Fault — Call Walt!

“My father exposed me to the concept of ethics on hunting and fishing trips by encouraging me to take less than it was legal to take.”
-Walter R. Krousel III
Walter Krousel has been practicing personal injury law for over 30 years. He is a graduate of Southern University in Baton Rouge and a lifelong Louisianian. Growing up, Walter witnessed his father practice law with integrity and learned from a young age how important it is to care for the oppressed.
To this day, Walter takes great pride in serving the community that created and supports him. Representing injured Louisianians and securing compensation on their behalf is of the utmost importance to this firm as we strive to bring honor to the Krousel family legacy.
Watch Walter Krousel deliver a eulogy to his father at the Baton Rouge District courthouse to an audience of judges and lawyers in Baton Rouge who knew him through his work at the bar and in the community.