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Baton Rouge Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Fighting for Our Clients After a Negligent Injury

Accidents caused by someone else’s negligence have the potential to change your life in an instant. Catastrophic injuries, or injuries that cause life-changing symptoms, can impact your life in many ways. Victims of catastrophic injuries often spend thousands on medical bills, lost wages, and more. If you are unable to perform your normal job duties, you may be losing additional money in lost income.

If your life has been altered because of an injury, you deserve to seek compensation. At Walter R. Krousel Jr. & Associates, APLC, we help clients like you recover damages and hold liable parties accountable for their actions. We believe that all victims deserve a voice, and we are dedicated to providing personal injury law assistance to the Baton Rouge area.

If you have suffered a catastrophic injury, don’t hesitate to reach out today. Our team is here to provide compassionate and empathetic legal services. For more information and a free consultation about your case, call us at (225) 263-6194.

What is a Catastrophic Injury?

The legal definition of a catastrophic injury is an injury that causes permanent damage to the victim’s body. Catastrophic injuries can be caused by negligence and are often preventable. When negligence causes an accident that leads to injury, victims can file a personal injury claim to recover compensation.

Catastrophic injuries are devastating and can cause you to be out of work for a long period of time. Some victims are unable to return to work entirely, relying on disability payments to support themselves and their families. Medical treatment for catastrophic injuries is often expensive, as many people require life-long care. By pursuing a catastrophic injury case, you can get your bills paid for by the negligent party.

What Are the Most Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries?

There are many types of severe injuries that are life-changing. If you develop an injury with permanent or long-term symptoms after an accident, then you likely have a catastrophic injury.
The most common types of catastrophic injuries our legal team sees include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are some of the most difficult types of injuries to treat. Traumatic brain injuries can cause memory problems, slurred speech, cognitive impairment, and more. Some victims make a full recovery, while others maintain life-long symptoms.


Losing a body part will impact how you complete daily tasks. Injuries that result in the amputation of a finger, toe, arm, or leg will require extensive medical treatment and physical therapy.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Damage to the neck or back can injure the spinal cord, the part of the body responsible for sending signals from your brain to your other body parts. When the spinal cord is damaged, that injury causes chronic pain, tingling, and numbness. Severe spinal cord injuries can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis.

Organ Damage

Your vital organs, like your lungs, liver, kidneys, and heart, can be injured in a negligent accident. Organ damage can be life-threatening and often requires extensive medical treatment.

Severe Burns

Burn injuries sustained in a negligent accident often require skin grafts and multiple surgeries. Burns are very susceptible to infection and can cause long-term complications and scarring.

Severe Fractures

Broken bones are very common after a traumatic accident. While some fractures heal with just a cast, others require surgery and rehabilitation.

Facial Injuries

Injuries to the face can result in disfigurement and scarring. Fractures, lacerations, and damage to the eyes are most common after car accidents.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Victims of traumatic accidents often develop PTSD and other mental health issues. Although they are not physical injuries, mental health problems can create long-term complications and often require professional treatment.

Wrongful Death

In severe cases, victims pass away because of their injuries. If your loved one passed away after an accident, you can claim compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit on their behalf.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries?

Negligent accidents often cause serious injury. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may suffer multiple life-changing injuries.
The most common causes of catastrophic injuries in Baton Rouge include:

Workplace Accidents

Poor work conditions, employer negligence, and improper training can lead to dangerous situations. Job site injuries are especially common on construction sites and in factories.

Premises Liability Accidents

Property and building owners are responsible for maintaining safe environments for customers and guests. If you slip and fall while you are on someone else’s property, you could injure yourself.

Defective Products

Products that are available for consumers have to follow certain safety regulations. If a manufacturer fails to create a safe product, innocent victims can be injured.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and car accidents can all cause catastrophic injuries. Many accident victims file personal injury claims to recover compensation from the other driver.

Toxic Chemical Exposure

If you work with toxic chemicals or are exposed to them in your home, you may develop permanent symptoms. Burns, lung problems, and skin problems can all have lasting effects on your health.

What Kind of Damages Can You Recover After a Catastrophic Injury?

The maximum compensation you can receive after a catastrophic injury depends on the damages you suffered. Your damages include any financial losses and emotional distress you incurred as a result of your accident.
Your total compensation will depend on the circumstances of your case. However, many accident victims request the following:

Economic Damages

Economic damages are monetary losses with a specific price tag. They could be damages you have already sustained or damages you will sustain in the future. Economic damages include:

  • Past medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future income
  • Household services, like at-home medical care
  • Long-term nursing facilities

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages don’t have a specific price tag, as they account for your emotional well-being after an accident. Personal injury law recognizes that a catastrophic injury can be traumatic. Non-economic damages could include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent disability
  • Physical pain
  • Mental anguish
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Your damages may be difficult to calculate, as catastrophic injuries often have long-term consequences. Our Baton Rouge catastrophic injury lawyer will help you add up all of your losses so you can request full and fair compensation.

How Does Comparative Fault Impact My Personal Injury Claim?

Louisiana is a pure comparative negligence state. This means that even if you share fault for your injury or accident, you can still recover compensation. However, whatever compensation you receive will likely be reduced based on the level of fault you are assigned.

For instance, if you are awarded $100,000, but you are found to share 20% of the blame for your accident, your total compensation will be $80,000.
Sharing the blame for a catastrophic accident can make your personal injury claim even more complex. If you believe that your damages may be reduced, contact our law firm today for legal representation.

What is the Legal Process for a Catastrophic Injury Claim?

In Baton Rouge, catastrophic injury claims must be submitted within one to two years to recover compensation in court. It’s recommended that you start your personal injury claim right away to avoid any delays.

When you work with our legal team, we will investigate your case to identify all liable parties. We will obtain police reports, talk to witnesses, and collect photo and video surveillance from the date of your accident.

Once we know everything about your case, we will calculate all of your damages, both present and future. We can then negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company to reach a settlement agreement.

If an insurance company won’t offer you the compensation you deserve, we will prepare to take your case to court. We won’t stop fighting for your rights until you get the outcome you deserve.

Have You Suffered a Catastrophic Injury in Baton Rouge?

Catastrophic injuries are life-changing. If you have suffered a severe injury because of a negligent accident, you deserve compensation.

Walter R. Krousel Jr. & Associates, APLC, is here to represent you in Baton Rouge. We are confident that we can get you the outcome you deserve. For more information and to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer, call us today at (225) 263-6194.